2009/05/26  Aiconn 802.11n module WS760Q
  圖片WS760Q is a highly integrated WiFi SiP module solution for handheld or WiFi
enabled consumer devices. It includes a 2.4GHz radio, analog-to-digital and
digital-to-analog converters, base-band processor, multi-protocol media access control
(MAC), CPU, RF PA and Band Pass Filter. It enables a high performance, cost
effective, low power, compact solution in a digital camera, PDA, LCD media player,
Digital photo frame or MP3/4 player.
The WS760Q implements half-duplex OFDM, CCK and DSSS base-band processing
supporting IEEE 802.11b/g/n data rates. The MAC supports the IEEE 802.11 wireless
MAC protocol as well as 802.11i security, receive and transmit filtering, error
recovery, and quality of service (QoS).
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